October 2023 Identify Me

Identify Me

The following list is a list of several identification apps for plants, shrubs, diseases, insects. You can search for a plant based on its leaf, flower, or the entire plant. Pricing varies from totally free to $20/month.

This list is not inclusive. You can also go to the web on your favorite browser and search for more apps such as these. The good thing here is that once you have identified, or think you have identified, your plant, you can always use its name and search the web for far more identification.

One term you may want to be aware of is: community app. These apps simply mean you submit a picture, description to the web site and it is looked at by a wide range people that will help you identify the species. The point is that you may have hundreds of people looking at your plant.

All apps may be installed on iOS or Android.

Cost: –
Main points: Take pictures and submit to a community of users for identification. Takes some time to get used to using this tool but you can get some great feedback.
URL: https://www.inaturalist.org/?ref=affiliatesection

Cost: $5/ mo.
Main points: Id plants and plant diseases. Just take a picture and the app will tell you what it is in seconds. Can id more than 32,000 plant taxons. Also how to take care of your plants.
URL: https://leafsnap.app/

Picture This
Cost: Varies – free, several different versions which vary in price.
Main points: Very thorough in identification and one of the most popular apps Aids in disease identification and cultivation.
URL: https://www.picturethisai.com/

Plant Net
Cost: totally free, donation requested.
Main Points: Very highly rated, giving good scores on id. A community-based project of worldwide id of plants. Available as a web app. More than 37,000 species.
URL: https://plantnet.org/en/

Cost: 3-day free trial; $10/ mo. thereafter.
Main points: Id based on leaves. Also, disease identification. Id up to 10 plants per month for free. Id more than 33,000 taxa. Also available as a web app.
URL: https://plant.id/

Cost: Free with premium option at $3.08/mo.
Main points: Specialty is care and advice on house plants. Will suggest the best lighting conditions in your home. Great ratings (4.8/5.0) for plant care. Will notify you when to water, fertilize, repot, etc. Flowering plants, orchids, herbs succulents and more.
Web site says is available only for iPhone – it is available for android.
URL: https://getplanta.com/en?ref=affiliatesection

PlantSnap Pro
Cost: 7-day trial; $20/mo. thereafter; also, a free version.
Main points: Plants, mushrooms, succulents – very comprehensive. Their goal is to id 90% of all known species of plants and trees. Has a map that you can drill down into to see plants all over the world. Highly recommended by many magazines, papers, etc. Ratings (1.0/5.0) are not that good!
URL: https://www.plantsnap.com/

Cost: –
Main points: Not just plants but insects as well; community app. Same app as iNaturalist.
URL: https://www.inaturalist.org/

Whats That Flower
Cost: Basic mode is free; additionality is pay for.
Main points: Ids based on a flower. Excellent descriptions. Can filter based on color, petals, region, etc. Better know your terminology for flower parts
URL: https://whatsthatflower.com/?ref=affiliatesection