Spring Is Coming!
Despite the current cold and the record setting snowfall we have had – SPRING is on the way! Therefore, I will look at three articles that you really do need to look at closely. The URLs for all the referenced articles will be on my web site for March 2025.

I will start with a great article from The Spruce: 8 Simple Ways to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring Planting! I would recommend this reference (The Spruce) for your major go to for planting virtually any type of plant. It is quite thorough in its descriptions of how to plant, take care of, and harvest virtually any plant in your garden.

Probably the best source for planting your home garden is from ACES : Planting Guide for Home Gardening in Alabama. Everything you need to know from site select, weed control, to harvesting are covered.

A related article is Grow More Garden Series which goes into more detail. Most of the plants mentioned in the above reference have detailed discussions on planting, pests, etc.
Please Read
Finally, I have been doing this article for the Quail Creek Newsletter for about four years. I am looking for someone who will continue to write this article beginning in May. If you are interested in keeping this series going, or to go in a different direction, please contact me at kencooperjr@hotmail.com.